Calinon, S. (2024)
A Math Cookbook for Robot Manipulation
Idiap Research Institute.
This cookbook presents several learning and optimal control recipes for robotics (essentially for robot manipulators), complemented by simple toy problems that can be easily coded. It accompanies Robotics Codes From Scratch (RCFS), a website containing interactive sandbox examples and exercises, together with a set of standalone source code examples gathered in a git repository, which can be accessed at https://rcfs.ch. Each section in this document lists the corresponding source codes in Python and Matlab (ensuring full compatibility with GNU Octave), as well as in C++ and Julia for some of the principal examples, which can be accessed at https://gitlab.idiap.ch/rli/robotics-codes-from-scratch.
Bibtex reference
@techreport{Calinon24RCFS, author="Calinon, S.", title="A Math Cookbook for Robot Manipulation", institution="Idiap Research Institute", year="2024" }