Dimitropoulos, K., Daras, P., Manitsaris, S., Leymarie, F.F. and Calinon, S. (2021)
Editorial: Artificial Intelligence and Human Movement in Industries and Creation
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8:712521.
Recent advances in human motion sensing technologies and machine learning have enhanced the potential of Artificial Intelligence to improve our quality of life, increase productivity and reshape multiple industries, including cultural and creative industries. In order to achieve this goal, humans must remain at the center of Artificial Intelligence and AI should learn from humans and collaborate effectively with them. Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence (HAI) is expected to create new opportunities and challenges in the future, which cannot yet be foreseen.
Bibtex reference
@article{Dimitropoulos21, author="Dimitropoulos, K. and Daras, P. and Manitsaris, S. and Leymarie, F. F. and Calinon, S.", title="Editorial: Artificial Intelligence and Human Movement in Industries and Creation", journal="Frontiers in Robotics and AI", volume="8", pages="712521", doi="10.3389/frobt.2021.712521" }