Learning of a collaborative manipulation skill with the HRP2 robot
Learning of a collaborative manipulation skill with HRP-2 by
showing multiple demonstrations of the skill in slightly different
situations (different initial position and orientation of the
object). The robot is standing in an half-sitting posture during the
experiment, where the 7 DOFs of the right arm and torso are used
in the experiment. A built-in stereoscopic vision is used to track
colored patches, and a 6-axes force sensor at the level of the
right wrist is used to track the interaction forces with the
environment during task execution. The robot is
teleoperated through a Phantom Desktop haptic device from
Sensable Technologies. An impedance controller is used to
control the robot.
This work is in collaboration with the Joint Japanese-French Robotics Laboratory (JRL) at
AIST, Tsukuba, Japan.