Calinon, S. and Lee, D. (2019)
Learning Control
Vadakkepat, P. and Goswami, A. (eds.). Humanoid Robotics: a Reference, pp. 1261-1312. Springer.
This chapter presents an overview of learning approaches for the acquisition of controllers and movement skills in humanoid robots. The term learning control refers to the process of acquiring a control strategy to achieve a task. While the definition is in some cases restrained to trial-and-error learning, we present here learning control in a broader perspective, with a focus on the representation of skills to be acquired, and on the different learning strategies that can contribute to the acquisition of robust and adaptive controllers for humanoids.
Bibtex reference
@incollection{CalinonLee19, author="Calinon, S. and Lee, D.", title="Learning Control", booktitle="Humanoid Robotics: a Reference", publisher="Springer", editor="Vadakkepat, P. and Goswami, A.", year="2019", pages="1261--1312", doi="10.1007/978-94-007-6046-2_68" }